Friday, March 1, 2013

Parmesan Cheese Popcorn!

This might sound strange to those of you who have never tried it, but this popcorn recipe is delicious.  I probably won't post recipes much, but I really wanted to share this one.  My mom used to make this popcorn for my siblings and I when we were kids and we still love it to this day.  Anyway, I hope you give it a try!

What you'll need:
     Bag of microwave popcorn.  (Or you can use home-made popcorn, whichever you prefer).  I choose a popcorn with little or no added salt/butter because I add my own butter.
     Half stick of melted butter. (4 TBSP)  I prefer unsalted, but you can use salted!
    About a quarter cup of your favorite grated parmesan cheese.  I use Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese.

Step 1:  Follow the directions on bag of popcorn.

Step 2: Melt butter over medium heat while popcorn is cooking.

Step 3:  When popcorn has finished popping, pour into a large bowl.
Step 4:  When butter is melted pour parmesan cheese into it and stir.
Step 5:  Spoon mixture over popcorn.  I do two spoons at a time, then toss the popcorn to try and coat the popcorn evenly.

Step 6: Enjoy!

 After you've made this recipe once, if you like it as much as I do, you can decide whether or not you might like more cheese/butter and alter the recipe to your taste!

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