Monday, February 25, 2013

First Post! The Post That Hurts the Most!

Hi!  Welcome to my blog!  Nice to see you here.  I thought I'd start out by giving a quick introduction to myself.  I'm 31, I'll be 32 in June.  I have 3 great kids.  Two of which live with their father.
I love to draw.  I think I'm "ok" at it.  There are a lot more talented artists in this world than me, but I still enjoy drawing from time to time.  My favorite things to draw are frogs and people.  More on the cartoon side.  Here's my deviantart link if you're interested in checking out my drawings. Laspyra41 on DeviantArt
I love video games.  Ever since I was a kid I have loved video games.  Some of my best memories are from when I was a kid, visiting my dad's house and playing video games.  Might sound lame, but it was something him and I bonded over.  He was a wizard with the computer.  He had all sorts of different gaming platforms in his home.  A few of my favorite games he had were Lemmings, Jumpman, Jumpman Jr, Joust, Zelda and the list could go on and on.  Those are the ones that stand out most in my mind at the moment.  Now I play different types of video games.  I was playing mmos for a very long time.  I think I have been burned out on them a little bit though.  So now mostly I play Sims 3 when the mood strikes, a little bit of Rift here and there, and Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook.
I love to watch movies.  Pretty much any genre.  I'm not that big a fan of horror movies.  Mostly because it seems like my idea of horror is not the mainstream idea of horror.  I don't like gore and it seems like that's what a lot of newer horror movies focus on.  Give me a "realistic" movie about aliens and I'll probably be scared for weeks.  I'm not talking about aliens like in the movie "Independence Day" more like the aliens with the long skinny bodies, big black eyes and creepy voices.  This makes me laugh because I find it silly that I could possibly believe in aliens more than I do ghosts.  I don't believe in ghosts at all.  Watching a movie about aliens will definitely give me the creeps and make me feel like there could be aliens out there.  Why they would bother us is beyond me, but I think I'm veering too far away from my point.  I love comedies, and romantic comedies.  Sci-fi movies are some of my favorites as well.  Musicals, definitely are my favorite genre though.  Moulin Rouge, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Labyrinth to name a few.
I love collecting things.  I am a pack-rat.  I save a lot of stuff.  I have been trying to be better about it lately.  I just started my collection of Pullip dolls.  I simply fell in love with them the first time I saw them.  My first one was Tokidoki Luna.  She's simply adorable.  They are a bit on the expensive side unfortunately.  But I saved up enough money by selling dolls from my Monster High collection.  So I figure it was a good trade. If you are ever in the market for buying a Pullip doll and don't know where to start, I definitely recommend this site: PullipStyle  they have fair prices and ship from America.
I just started sewing clothes, blankets and pillows for my daughter's Monster High dolls.  I want to get a sewing machine to make it a bit easier on myself.  But I definitely have fun with it and think it's something I thoroughly enjoy.
Well, if you're still reading this, I thank you.  I'm no major in writing so I'm glad you have stuck around so far.  I know I'm a bit weird, and shy but I'm glad you have stuck around so far and I hope you enjoyed what you read.  Again, thanks for viewing!


  1. Nice Blog. Glad to read an about you section. I checked out you drawing and they are really good my favorite is Monster High's Draculaura "Hearts a Flutter Draculaura"

    Come check out my blog.

  2. Thank you very much! I'll check out yours too. :)
